Friday, June 05, 2009

Pure Economy

copied from Alan Block / Sailing Anarchy

Despite the atrocious state of the Michigan economy, you'd be hard-pressed to find too many depressed folks down at the docks on Lake St. Clair. Downsizing and bankruptcy just can't overcome the happiness that Midwestern sailors feel now that there are boats in the water and races to run. Even the many Detroiters that have recently been laid off are philosophical about things. “I now have 6 months of work-free sailing season ahead of me, paid for by unemployment insurance,” one well known sailor said. Another added, “Couldn't come at a better time - I'll race and cruise all summer long.”

The recession carries a silver lining for Bayview-Mackinac Race Chairman Frank “Cariguy” Kern, as well. The long time Anarchist and successful long distance racer aboard his J/120 'Carinthia' recently landed the State of Michigan's tourist initiative,

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